Church on the Hill - San Jose, California

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Winter 2017, Week 4

We are officially into week four and done with sign ups so our group rosters are pretty much set for the season. Being that we have moved past the sign up time and window for people to try out different groups we will now start to take the turn toward questions that push a little deeper and call for more vulnerability. Usually we wouldn't dive in so heavy in week four but with the new series we are really just going for it. The new series will be about what happens and what we do when our lives get wrecked, we will be looking at the book of Ruth and journeying through her story. This first week is about looking at the times in our lives when we have been wrecked and what that does to us. The hope is that we realize the best option is to return home to God and hopefully learn how to do that. Hopefully it is a great week, thank you for being a leader.

Here are this week's resources: