Church on the Hill - San Jose, California

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Winter Week 5 Words

Hey, Leaders!

This week Scott is rolling into a new series called “Words” based on Ephesians 4:29,  “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”  We will be focusing on unity and the significance of our words and the need to learn to speak in a way that others receive what we are actually trying to communicate.

To get better at communication we are taking a deep dive and will be deviating from what we usually do. This series is based on material from a workbook called I SAID THIS, YOU HEARD THAT by Kathleen Edleman, so as leaders you will receive that book on Sunday and all of the discussion questions and material  for the next six weeks will be in the book. The book has a assessment test, breakdowns, homework, other material, and discussion questions. We are recommending that each person or couple buys the book on Amazon to really dig into the material. However, for those who do not purchase the book, we have been given permission to distribute the discussion questions that will be used in our groups. We will be sending you the questions each week for your use in group.

Other material or resources that will be needed include the temperament placement test, videos that will be used as homework, and the weekly schedule. The best quiz I found can be found at, and people can use that or what is in the book or both. For the videos, have people download the app “I said this, you heard that” which are in the app for free. Finally, the schedule will just be a chapter each week, and the plan is laid out in the book so you can lead your group through that and decide how much homework you want to recommend.  

Link to quiz -

App for videos - I Said This, You Heard That North Point Ministries

Weekly schedule- found in the book

If you have any questions, please feel free to email, text, or call me

Thanks for being flexible with something new, and please let me know if you have any questions.


Here are this weeks resources: