Repurpose your shoes!
Shoe Drive for Developing Nations! Repurpose your shoes!
Our church school - Achiever Christian - is doing a shoe drive to collect 2,500 pairs of used and new shoes. This will raise $1,000 for school upgrades. And not only that, the shoes will be sent to 24 developing nations to support micro-enterprises that help a family have a chance at making a livelihood and getting out of poverty. Isn't that cool?!
You can give any size or kind of shoe. They just need to be in good condition, meaning the soles have to be intact, they need to be dry and clean, no holes and not falling apart.
If you have such "gently-worn" shoes at home, please bring them to church, tied or rubber banded together, and drop them in our donation box in the lobby by Nov. 19th.