Connecting and Growing

Our primary reason for existing is connecting to God and worshipping Him. His greatest desire is for us to focus our attention on Him and His word. Through this interaction, our lives are elevated as we encounter more of God's presence in our lives. While every believer is called to a personal relationship with God, we also know that we are called to gather together in larger settings to worship the Lord and study the Bible. In these larger worship gatherings we are connecting in a real way to our Father and to His heart, and in these moments people's lives find healing and health.

Through multiple services we seek to provide times and environments in which each person can find a place to worship in a large gathering. In these gatherings we also seek to use technology, arts, and music to reach out to a lost and hurting world.

Every believer needs to be a part of a worship gathering that is focused on connecting to our Lord. When we gather together and connect with God, all of our lives are elevated to a new level.

At Church on the Hill we believe that growing spiritually is a must in order to be a healthy Church. We believe that growth comes from two basic sources: 

  • God’s Word
  • God’s people

We believe that the best way we can foster those two things is through “Community Groups.” Our goal is to have everyone who calls this church home be involved in a group. We are convinced that this is a foundational part of what we do and a priority for us as a church. We have groups lead by, and full of all different types of people, some meet in homes and some meet at the church, some have child care and some don’t, some are gender specific and some are for couples. What we care about is that each group studies God’s word and invests in each other.
Groups usually consist of 8 to 14 people who commit to meet together on a weekly basis for about 10 weeks per season. We run 3 seasons from September through June, breaking for the summer months.