“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:23-25
Spring Season Dates: March 30th - May 24th (8 weeks total)
Group Types: Couples, men, women, young families, young adults, open to all, mixed
Group Sizes: 4 - 14
Group Locations: In homes or at church.
Childcare: Not provided by the church. (For the groups that are virtual, parents can join from home and stay with their kids.)
Signups: Open March 16th - April 25th. To sign up, simply select the “help me find the right group” button above this paragraph and fill out the form. Once you submit the form someone from the team will get back to you with group suggestions and help connect you.
Group Requirements: We ask people to attend all meetings, engage in the discussions and also engage with the daily readings and group experiences. We ask everyone to respect one another and to be as open and vulnerable as they can. We want everyone—from a skeptic with a lot of questions to a mature Christian—to feel welcome and free to discuss struggles and questions as well as to celebrate victories and growth. We do find it of the utmost importance that what is shared in the group remains confidential to the group in order to develop and maintain trust. We believe this fosters a closer connection and freedom to share more openly.
Questions: Contact Josh Becknall at jbecknall@churchonthehill.com.
Community Groups Goals
Growth - The goal of community groups is to deepen your faith to a point that you become so Jesus-like you overflow with unexplainable peace and joy that others take notice. We believe that to live like that you have to be deeply connected to God and His people.
Connecting with God - Connecting with His word, pursuing His plan for your life, connecting to His spirit, and accepting His life-changing love for you.
Connecting with people - Encouraging one another, challenging one another, investing in each others' lives, and developing friends you trust and care for, going way beyond the surface level and getting into the things that matter on a soul level.