Spring 2016, Week 5
We believe that community groups are key to people growing and a vital part of ministry here at the church. Our goal for groups is that people grow in their relationships with other believers and in Gods word. To make that happen someone has to lead that. This is where YOU come in, we believe that the most important component to any group is the leader...YOU. So our desire is to resource you and equip you to the best of our ability so that groups can thrive, lives will be changed and hearts will be dedicated to God and the amazing life and plans that He has for us.
Here are this week's resources:
Play the following video at the start of the meeting.
God seems so far away. Is it possible to have a personal relationship with God? The Curiosity Collective brings together thought leaders, authors, philosophers and theologians to examine whether or not we can know God personally.
Additional Resources
Can we know God? Amena Brown discusses how we can know God personally.
Humans innately desire to know if there's more to life than just human experiences. Can these yearnings be satisfied by a relationship with God?
Jesus claimed to be God. How can we know this is true? John Burke looks at evidence from both the Bible and history that indicates Jesus is God.
How can we hear God? Amena Brown explores the rhythm of God.
How do you meet God? Can you even know Him personally? The Curiosity Collective brings together thought leaders, subject matter experts, pastors, and theologians to explore these difficult questions.