Community Group Leaders

Community Groups Update Covid19   

With California’s latest “Stay at Home” measures to slow the rapid growth of Covid-19, Community Groups have never been more important to help people stay connected and gain the support they need.  Here’s how we will continue to support one another during this time.

1. Community Group Sign-ups begin online this weekend, March 29th.

The official start date for the Spring Quarter will be the week of April 5.  We realize many groups are already doing regular “check-ins” and meeting online.  Don’t stop. The connection is vital. But don’t worry if you’re not meeting online with your group yet.  What’s important is that you’ve “checked in” with them to see how they’re doing however you normally communicate with them.

2. We will provide leaders and hosts with training on how to do online groups.

We realize that this will come easily for some of you – you’re already doing it and/or have a knack for figuring techy things out. Good for you!  But there’s others of you that are hesitant or see this as a near impossibility. Don’t worry, we will coach you and get you ready.

How to take your Community Group online:

  • The online platform we’re recommending is Zoom. You don’t have to have a password; there is a 100 person limit on how many people can be on a call; and you can see everyone on the screen at the same time when using a Laptop or Desktop computer. There is also an option to join the group by calling in.

  • Note: The free version has a 40-minute limit per meeting.  You can either schedule two 40-minute meetings back to back, or for $15 a month (a little over $1 per person per group), you get unlimited time.

  • Need more coaching?

    1. Go HERE to find a variety of updated tutorials from Zoom.

    2. Let us know you want some help setting things up and we will schedule a practice meeting. Send Josh a email at and we will schedule a time to meet and help work out the kinks.

A couple things to note:

  • Switching to an online platform may be clunky in the beginning – not just for you, but others too. That’s to be expected.  It takes some getting used to, but you’ll figure it out, and we’re here to help.

  • If you are struggling with the technology, someone else in your group may be able to help figure it out.

  • Practice as much as you can—with your family, friends, and even your group.

3. Welcome any new people to your group.

If you are adding new members, be ready to welcome them in.  This is what the Church does, and our Community Groups are the Church. We will contact you as we have in the past with the information of any new sign-ups for your group.  Your quick response and welcome to the group is just as important with an online group.

4. Confirm your roster…again!

We know everyone did this recently, but a lot has changed since then in our world and possibly with your group as well.  Email or text Josh now to confirm whether or not you have openings, and any other changes to time or day given that we will now be meeting online.

Thank you for your dedication as leaders to care for your groups in this season. Please continue to pray for this process of moving to online groups. Pray we can create the connection people need to stay encouraged as we do everything we can to follow Jesus and help others do the same in the midst all that is happening!

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Hebrews 10:24-25