Warm and welcoming.png


Warm and WelcominG

This is how most people describe their first impressions of our church, and that’s a great first impression. However, warm and welcoming is about to change in November unless we do something quickly. Last year the church boiler imploded, and before winter hits, it needs to be replaced. Without a boiler we will not be a very warm and welcoming church.


Financial Perspective

This year has been a strong year financially. In the beginning of the year we encouraged people to consider their current giving and start tithing. Many people have shared with me that they made adjustments in their giving and it’s shown. At the end of our 3rd quarter 2018 we are over $100,000 ahead of our giving for last year, and we are $47,000 ahead of our projected income for 2018. We have plenty of reasons to be confident in the financial commitment of our people. The boiler replacement though is greater than our current budget capacity.


Moving Forward

If the funds are raised in these two weeks we will move forward with the boiler replacement. If we need to keep the Warm and Welcoming Campaign open for a while until we reach our goal, we will leave it open. If we raise more than the necessary $107,000 we will use those additional funds to update the facility with needed repairs and maintenance, so our building continues to be welcoming to all of us.


What does it take to replace

a boiler for 97,000 square feet?

$185,000 Total Cost

-  $78,000 Already Raised !!!

$107,000   Funding Goal


Next Steps

Contractor vetted, engineering plans complete, permits finished; so the next step is to install the boiler. Before the install, we need to raise the money for the project.

  1. Pray everyday for two weeks

    * give thanks for this building and church

    * pray for your church

    * ask God what he might want you to give

  2. Give on Sunday, October 21st.

    We are asking that we all bring an extra financial gift above and beyond our normal offering.

Warm and Welcoming FAQs

Why are we replacing the Boiler?  Last November when our previous boiler was started-up for the season, there was a catastrophic failure of the fire box which could not be repaired.  So in order to have heat in the Church building this winter we need to replace our boiler.

How much does a Boiler really cost?  The Boiler itself cost $92,720, additionally there are installation expenses, engineering and permit costs and a few other items which will bring the total cost of the project to approx. $185,000.

How much do we need to raise to replace the boiler?  We will need to raise at least $106,000 to replace the boiler, as we have already received $79,000 in donations toward the boiler.

If we get more than $106,000 what would we do with the funds?  We would like to make our lobby more welcoming by making improvements to the Cafe.  We have plans that vary in cost from $5,000 to much more. Our first priority will be replacing the boiler, any funds raised beyond that will be used to make “welcoming” upgrades.

Why have we been doing upgrades in the lobby when we have to replace the boiler?  We had a former church member contact us two years ago and wanted to donate money to make improvements to the lobby.  We have been receiving regular donations over the past two years specifically designated to the lobby for the upgrades you have seen.

Why are we investing funds in Cafe upgrades?  As a church we want to present ourselves as welcoming and relevant.  The Cafe was last updated nearly 20 years ago, and it requires some updates to make the space more welcoming and relevant.  We feel this is a place where a small investment can go a long way.

What happens if we don’t raise all of the money?  We will need to raise all of the funds in order to replace the boiler.  We do not want to go in to debt for this project, we believe that God will provide everything we need to complete this project without debt.

It seems like our income is on-track this year, why are we doing the Warm and Welcoming Campaign?  Our giving has been very strong this year, and is nearly 10% higher at the end of July 2018 than it was at the end of July 2017.  We made a choice at the beginning of this year, that we would not be able to responsibly budget for an additional expense of $185,000 in 2018, and so we need to raise those funds in order to stay within our established 2018 expense budget.

For any questions regarding the Warm & Welcoming Campaign, please follow the email link below.