Spring 2017, Week 4

We are in week 4 of our Jesus is ______. series and covering the "Jesus is the point and Jesus is happy" sections of the book. This week Scott is combining two sections of the book and calling it Jesus is life. I know that seems very large and general and super churchy. However as cliché as it seems I think we would all agree there is a deep truth to it. It is amazing to me that when my soul is right with God it really is true that it changes everything. This is a tremendously important thing for others to see because I think it is what makes people ask what is different. That is why I want to give a sincere thank you to all of you as leaders, Usually people grow with Christ or come to know Christ because someone else had a relationship with Him and it looked appealing so they asked questions and tried doing life in a new way. I believe that is what all of you do as leaders, you help others want to take the next step and also show them how. What you do is more important and valuable than I could ever express and I want you to know you are appreciated.    I hope you enjoy this week and have a great group! 

Here are this week's resources: