Fall Week 5 three reasons

Hey, leaders, as we are off and rolling for this season, I want to give you all a big “thank you!” This season we added forty new people to groups, and we have grown across the board. On top of that, I was just talking to two women yesterday who told me their group was literally the reason they stayed at the Church and why they got connected and are now connected with others in the group who have become their closest friends. They also told me it is the thing that got their walk with God headed back in the right direction.

I share that with you to remind you that what you are doing deeply matters, and it is changing the lives of those around us, as well as, hopefully, your own. Please do not miss the connection to what you do with the fact that the church has added 40 new people to groups. A lot of you helped make food on the Sundays we were signing people up for groups, and you talked to people in the lobby, made them feel welcome, and did so many other things that led to people giving it a shot.

Lastly, people do not sign up for things that sound terrible, so thanks for giving groups a good reputation so that people want to be a part of them. I appreciate all of you.

Here are this weeks resources:

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